The Christian Backbone – Part 2

Romans 13

Having a “backbone” is used as a figure of speech to speak of someone’s integrity to stand behind their convictions. The backbone of the human body is essential to whether body can “stand up” or not. If someone did not have a backbone, they would collapse. This figure of speech shows that if someone does not have integrity to stand behind their convictions, then they do not have a backbone.

I want to suggest that the Christian backbone is love. Love is the conviction that is essential to the Christian life, and without which, the Christian life would collapse. To be blunt, with love, someone can live as a Christian, without love, no one can. We ought to be so committed and convicted to love that we show it no matter what.

Paul defines love as that which “does no harm to a neighbor” (Romans 13:10). This does not justify passive love, but it does enlighten us to know what love looks like. If someone is doing something that is harmful to another individual, that is not love. “Harm” is defined as acting injuriously or wronging them. The opposite of hurting or wronging someone is loving them. Love that is not shown is hurtful. Just ask anyone who felt neglected by their parents.

In his book, Life on the Vine, Philip Kenneson provides some ways that we can cultivate love. First, by paying attention to others. This requires that we put others before ourselves. He modifies this slightly and says to make a “deliberate attempt to pay attention to another for the sake of the other” (p.48). We need to get outside of our own boxes, and see people in the situations that they are in. Second, is by receiving and giving graciously. This presents a real problem in the church: everyone wants to help, but no one wants to be helped. There are exceptions to this, of course, but it is hard to receive gifts. It is not just giving, but the way that we give that matters. We can certainly give ungraciously. We can give gifts, encouragement, and our time, just to name a few.

Without love, our Christianity collapses. We can show our love by paying attention to our brethren and giving graciously. This love does no harm, but instead, fulfills the law.


The Christian Backbone – Part 1


Time to Wake Up